Fast, reliable, and accurate 3D CFD wind farm flow simulation
Wind turbines are often sited in wind farms where losses due to wake effects can be substantial. Our signature product WakeBlaster offers cost effective and fast, yet accurate 3D CFD modelling of wake losses. WakeBlaster is used to assess wind farms, offshore and onshore, and is available as a cloud based service.

The WakeBlaster Model
The development of WakeBlaster in 2017 was supported in part by a grant from InnovateUK and three major wind farm operators contributed wind farm data to the development effort. Technical details of the WakeBlaster model were presented to the scientific community at the Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 2019 and published as a peer reviewed publication in Wind Energy Science 2020. Recent developments updating the model were presented at WESC ‘23.
Application Cases
WakeBlaster is a versitile tool that can be used in different application scenarios. Some example applications that are making use of the WakeBlaster API are presented below:
WakeBlaster has been validated using data for a wide range of wind farms. The model verification and validation (V&V) was carried out against wind speed measurements and performance data from full scale wind farms.
3rd Party Validations
WakeBlaster has been validated by independent industry experts for onshore and offshore wind farms. WakeBlaster has been proven to deliver consistently high quality results in real world applications.
Workflow Integration
WakeBlaster is available directly from PPE or 3rd party distributors.
WakeBlaster is interfaced in:
Call WakeBlaster from your preferred 3rd party software:
Openwind by UL (external link)
WindPRO by EMD (external link)
SIFT by Bitbloom (external link)
A WakeBlaster subscription supports multiple users in your company, the any of the software packages above, and can also be used via the API using your own software:
WakeBlaster API:
WakeBlaster can easily be integrated into your own software or workflow. WakeBlaster comes with an API that allows to access WakeBlaster from a software development environment of your choice. The guide WakeBlaster Getting Started gives you a first introduction. To demonstrate how one could use the WakeBlaster API with Python an SDK and toolbox functions are available. Please contact us for more information and assistance if you would like to integrate WakeBlaster in your software or workflow.